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Raise Your GPA


In this day and age, the pressure on teenagers and young adults to excel has never been greater. What does it take to succeed in college? What does it take to get ahead in life? What does it take to get on the right track and achieve success? Jonathan Banks believes that, too often, the most important factor in success is overlooked—God.


In his book, Raise Your GPA: God's Way to Win @ School & Life, Banks uses biblical principles to demonstrate that God has designed each of us for success. However, in order to gain access to His divine promises, we must live according to God’s plan. 

"Everything in this chapter (speaking of chapter 4) was amazing and eye opening...I had a wonderful time reading this."

Jordyn C. (18 yrs. old)



"A must read by Parents and Young People alike! Not bogged down with a bunch of "Do's" and "Don'ts" without offering real solutions. The only reason I rate this book 5 stars is because it 

(Amazon) won't allow me to give it a 6 star rating!"

Ray M. (Parent)


"Jonathan has provided a solid roadmap for students and parents. The book can be used as a critical thinking training plan in any youth serving organization."

David B. (CEO and Youth Leader)

Photos: Raise Your GPA: God's Way to Win @ School & Life


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© 2020 by Jonathan Banks

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